MOTLEY CRUE IS COMING! I'm been spending some time last week listening to some old MC tunes and getting ready for their gig next month. Came across "Sixx:Am" on itunes, it's MC bassist Nikki Sixx's side project that released a brilliant old skool rock album called " The Heroin Diaries" based on true stories taken from his biogrpahy "The Heroin Diaries: A Year in the Life of a Shattered Rock Star:.

This is a fanvid for the song "xmas in hell". It wasn't meant to be a single but last month, Sixx:Am released the EP with 3 rock instrumental mixes . All amazing... the voice is Nikki Sixx's and it's his narration and his voice and his story. Head down to borders to get the book and the songs on this album is awesome. This one in particular just makes my skin crawl.