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Which web 2.0 Superhero are you?

| Thursday, November 13, 2008
Superhero pop culture has been the big thing over the last couple of years. Some of us are following "Heroes" and will remember with fondness the awesome script writing back in season 1 where for an hour a day, it was possible for anyone to have abilities. As we speak, Wolverine is in production, as is Iron man 2 etc etc.

It hit me last night whilst i was on msn appearing "invisible" that i was a superhero! The ability to be invisible and to travel amongst unsuspecting friends and strangers was exactly what i was doing.

Here are some superhero abilities and how web 2.o has allowed us all to be more than just "normal"

Teleportation: With Webinars and video conferenc calls, you can have a "live" band performance with John in England, Chow in China and Uzbike in Africa. We can now "teleport" ourselves to basically any IP address in the world

Mind Reading or Telepathy: Similar to professor Xavier's ability to read minds, predictive search techniques or "recommendation" services offered by software such as itunes, attempts to read what we are thinking or looking for and sometimes tells us what we want before we knew we wanted it! This growing evolution of the semantic web is a small scale variation of superhero ESP.

Super IQ : Not sure about a topic? Well, superhero/villain Brainiac would just rattle off the information or fact from his super brain. We can do the exact same thing now with any working connection to wikipedia or search engines! Need to calculate the square root of 156,000? Google just answered that for me in 5 seconds,

square root(156 000) = 394.968353

Meanwhile remember, with great web 2.0 , comes great responsibility.

I'm sure there are quite a few more superhero parallels we could draw, can you name a few?

Drop your comment..

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