Ok Children... time to hide and cry in the closet. From the pigg to the fiery flames of hell... the double pedal pumping, crunching guitar, foot-on-amp chest thumping assault of Disturbed. If any of you have never ever experienced the genius that is Disturbed. Here is a youtube video of them doing their 2000 version of the Tears for Fears hit "shout". You know the song... then wait, listen again and you will hear the song for the 1st time again. Regulars to ice cold beer might remember Ady playing this from time to time
Ok now that they have your attention, lets get down to this review business
Artist/Band : Disturbed
Album: Indestructible
Album review : 8/10 ( for new listener)
7/10 ( for more disturbed listeners)
Song feature : Inside the fire
Alright alright, let's talk Indestructible. The title track is amazing.. once again, when the chorus hit me with
"Every broken enemy will know
That their opponent had to be invincible
Take a last look around while you’re alive
I’m an indestructible master of war"
I believe i was navigating down Eunos Avenue when i had my own personal Oprah moment of "YES!! YES!! I AM AN INDESTRUCTIBLE MASTER OF WAR!!!" . Feeling inspired, i immediately changed lanes WITHOUT indicating. Thats right Pigs.. come get me!
Now the song feature "Inside the Fire" to me is just so good from a fan point. Bearing in mind, Disturbed doesn't mess much with the formula ; growl alot, similar sounding melodic lines and a couple of " AHH AHH AHH AHAHS!" Although this latest effort doesnt stray too far from the formula, i think they have made an effort to let some of the other band members express themselves slightly more , listen to the blazing solo in this song and nod your head when Dan Donegan lets his axe scream toward the end.
Top 3 songs straight off are stellar, can't go wrong. But as usual, one can get an overdose of Disturbed as the songs kinda blend into the next, of course there is the customary "AH AHH AHH AHH" to wake you up just in case.
Fans should pick up the album if anything just to feel like an "Indestructible master of war". New listeners , i suggest starting with the back catalogue to get a proper disturbed education. Look out for the 2000 album "The Sickness" and my personal fav "Believe" released in 2002.
Here is another youtube killer, some fan took the vid from "land of confusion" and layed the title track "Indestructible" over it. Not too shabby..Btw anyone up for creating the facebook group "Are you by any chance an indestructible master of war?" AH AHH AHH AH !
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