Def leppard, Whitesnake and now Motley Crue. What do these 3 geriatric bands have in common? Wait.. i just answered my own question. Well ok, try this one, why does Motley Crue kick so much more ass ?? Give up? .. Well for one, Bassist Nikki Sixx is tapping LA celebrity tattooist Kat Von D. So, round 1 to the songwriter/bassist/legend for scoring grade B skirts half his age

Next, we come to media hog Tommy Lee. When he isn't busy filming his own drum stick and picking fights with resident hill billy Kid Rock, the boy can drum the shit outta a high hat and tom.
Back to the music, alright guys today not much review going on. To be frank, Saints of Los Angeles wouldnt make it to my daily review. On it's own merit, it fares only slightly better than the rancid drainwater weak pop rock bands on mtv today. ( yes three doors down, thats you). One drawback is the context in which this album is written, it was recorded somewhat like a film score in view of their upcoming screen autobiography ("The Dirt"). As such, the lyrics all kind of say the same thing, every track has the same dirty grainy feel to it and the output is slightly contrived.
The positives? They dont try to be a Billy Corgan and reinvent the whole car horse and carriage. Saints of Los Angeles is easy on the cranium and you kinda get the message 2 mins into the album. Basically, the whoring, popping, snorting , rocking, spandexing, and whoring. Bonus? There is a really funny monologue at the beginning of the album where vince neil ( i presume) is acting all macho and gritty. Extremely hilarious.
Altogether, lets just say nothing stands out but nothing really disappoints. It listens like a good bag of chips without enough salt. The best bits belong undoubtedly to Mr donkey Lee. ( hey! i made a rhyme!) Like i said, the boy can drum. He wont be giving drum clinics anytime soon cause most drummers will tell you theres more to drumming that hitting hard and hitting harder. However, tommy and mr barker from blink 182 will beg to differ. click the youtube to see what i mean..
ok ok ok back to the album.. sigh where to begin and where to end. I found 2 songs that will graduate to my ipod. The title track and "The animal in me" , i have to say they didnt write anything outstanding but it does not suck. Saints of los angeles sounds like it belongs on any Motley Crue's greatest hits album. Vince is in fine form and i must say, unless modern engineering worked miracles, he actually sounds better than i ever remembered. Click to watch the video and you be the judge
Speaking of vince neil. Now we know Tommy still looks fit for a 89 year old, Nikki is tapping Kat von D so no dirt off his shoulder. But Vince... let's just say he looks "organic"


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