Meiko, i don't even know how to pronouce it for chip's sake. May-ko? Mai-ko? Mee-ko? Whatever it is, she should be filed under C-L-A-S-S. This album i'm introducing was released in september 2007 but it's still too good and too impressive for me to pass up. Her style is so varied that there is no wardrobe let alone box i can label her in. She has obvious Joni Mitchell influences present in the minimalist way she approaches her songwriting, There's also a smattering of Aimee Mann (she obviously loves the masterpiece Magnolia), there's also a bossa bounce not out of place in a Astrud Gilberto piece? Incredible, but take nothing away from her, this mix all kind of infuses and swirls around to create a really good blend. Her voice is silky smooth when it needs to be, tender when it REALLY needs to be and husky in all the right places. Plus she is absolutely gorgeous. Always helps when talent comes in a sexy package. She better have 3 nipples or some weird ass gene defect, else God is so not fair.
Get the album, buy a nice bottle of cheap californian red ( 10 bucks a bottle @ carrefour, Carlo Rossi or rivercrest is delightful) , dim the lights and let the album tease your speakers. Rarely have i heared an artiste that has that delicate mix of melancholy, emotion and mood without being depressive. Damien rice on the other hand.. needs to come with a "Do not listen when experiencing suicidal tendencies" label.
Artist : Meiko
Album : Meiko
Song review: Reasons to love you
Album : 9/10
Song : 8.5/10
This album kicks off with the featured song which is a delightlful breezy tune that can stick in your head for days. It's an introduction to her unique voice which gets stronger as the album moves along. Colbie cailat whom bless her heart i love as well , should KILL to have a voice like this. If you liked bubbly and thought it was a pleasant well written well sung well rounded pop song, well, listen to the song ( click on the damn player) and you tell me.
Next up is "How lucky we are" and the 1st line is so pure " one day, we'll get out of this shitty apartment". It's a cute story whom most struggling couples can relate to, kinda the "we live in a hole, no money , no future and just each other" romantic unrealistic crap only musicians can sing about. Sheer magic. The chorus is simple and really strong. There's a gorgeous wind section in there as well that is just well.. let's just say its not farts.
Song 3 "Heard it all before" is the bossa ish track that really grabbed my attention. If anyone here likes Josh Rouse, and the way his albums are really well produced. Then this song is pucka, the production, arrangement, musicality and tones are so lush, its lusher 99.6fm. I could listen to this song all day till it comes out of my nostrils.
Ok, i'm gonna fast forward to my favourite song on the album which is "Under my bed". It's such a good song its scary. Again, beautiful melody, arrangement, really thoughtful musicality. You know people say "less is more". It only makes sense if the less is a perfect mix of the parts. This song has everything you look for in a piece that goes straight to the heart. And the proof is in the pudding, below is an acoustic version of her doing it live. Now , i love it live but the production is so good, check the audiobiblio link on the right to listen to it. I will be uploading the featured track AND this one. (peeps, check my facebook if you dont know how to navigate the audiobiblio thing)
Oh ya , did i mention she's pwetty?
1 comment :
Her voice is just as beautiful as she is!!! Omg she is soooo so good at what she does. Her album was just re-released too. I also recently heard this awesome duet she did with AM of "New Road". Good stuff, check it out: myspace.com/amsounds
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