Alright!Sorry to all the testosterone filled puppies who wanted me to post something harder and faster and snarly. Trust me something disturbing is on the way but for now, lets check out a pig. Landon Pigg that is.
I first heard about him when i noticed his latest single "falling in love in a coffee shop" on last.fm sometime back. What struck me was its simplicity of arrangement and really simple almost naive lyrics.."I think that possibly, maybe I'm falling for you, Yes theres a chance that I've fallen quite hard over you"..together with a really sweet guitar melody that goes as well as pork and pineapple. Also, i suppose the idea of falling in love in a coffee shop is really romantic. I'm just waiting for the local spoof "falling in lust in a kopi tiam".
Artist : Landon Pigg
Album: LP
Song review: Sailed on
Album :6.5/10
Song : 8/10
Alright! Let's get the album/song review going. I'm a sucker for this adult singer/songwriter stuff thats been all over the net in recent months. Guys like John Mayer, Jason Mraz and James Blunt have NOTHING on some of the crazy one man talent freak shows out there. ( Sorry i take Jason Mraz back, have you ever heard him LIVE? Kudos to Soo for introducing me to his live sets.. absolute killer)
Guys like Eric Harrisson, Josh Rouse, Josh Kelley etc are all amazing in my book and i will be putting some of their highlights in later posts
This song just attacks the soul much like when i first heard David Gray sing "Please forgive me". When the Pigg goes "Only the moon and the stars in the sky Did know, to cry for me as I sailed on", i wished i had some chick in the room i could experience that moment vicariously through.
When i did listen to the rest of the album, i realised like most singer songwriter efforts, it DOES wear down on you. Too depressing, too many cliches.. a tad too much repeat on arrangement bla bla bla.. however, i got to this one song "Can't let go" which is pure pop magic. If memory serves me right, i think its been on Grey's Anatomy. But it's a really good pop song with a decent vibe.
I won't recommed the album unless you're a girl or you like the mush ( rod , thats you) but i definitely recommend some must haves from the album added to the "songs to make me look sensitive when im really just reall horny" ipod playlist. ( Sailed on, Can't let go, Last stop and the coffee shop song from the new EP)
Here is a youtube version of him doing it Live
As usual, i have uploaded this song to the playlist (The audiobiblio link on top right under My daily blog bread), since this is my 2nd entry, there are 2 songs, just bookmark it coz soon it should be decent to put on for 20 30 mins of audio joy.
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