About me: I used to have a band, when some members return, we might kick it again.
Work: I used to work in universal music churning out the compilations some of you peeps might have bought
I'm certainly no expert but you know.. you be the judge i suppose. Starting off the season, i'll be reviewing songs from some new albums im really loving.
BAND : The Ting Tings
Song featured : Shut Up and let me Go
Album: 7/10
Song : 9/10
(click on player below to listen!)
The TING TINGS!! Alright, straight off im a major rock fan and i like my indie rock as much as the next closet Artsy Fart but i have NEVER taken to bands like Shampoo. ( remember them? Uh oh you're in trouble, ) or Le tigre ( whom the TTs remind me of) or any Brit-punk-thrash-wail 3 piece outfit.
However, i first heard TTs on itunes and their first single "Great DJ" really grabbed my head by the ears and made me BOP. There was something about the electro beat with a ridculous chorus that just made me want to sing along. Anytime you can write a chorus that goes
"Imagine all the girls,
Ah ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.
And the boys,
Ah ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.
And the strings,
Eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee, eee."
is just pure genius haha. Anyway , it was just so damn grooving, i had to check out the bloody album. To be frank, since im not particularly fond of the genre, im only gonna rave about 1 other song that ive been playing non stop in the car. Listen to the music above (click on da player below the album pic) and go crazy with "Shut up and let me go", i swear, listen to the intro and when the drums kick in start singing Franz's Ferdinand's " Let me out" ... Its a mash up waiting to happen. if i had the talent and the time, i would kill it on youtube. It's got such a quirky beat to it and with lyrics like that , i means c'mon! The irreverance and sheer balls to pull off lyrics and stories like this has got to be applauded.
check this youtube for some dude's work. Yes, Apple used this song for their latest ads in the US. So apparently, the marketing people at Apple like the same shit i do. APPLE? CAN YOU HEAR ME? GIVE ME A JOB!
The rest of the album is pretty ok and moves along really well. Nothing else really leaps off the speakers but if you like the Magic numbers, Tegan & Sara and the rest of the indie universe, PLEASE check out the Ting TIngs. Now i'm gonna shut up and let you go.
Other songs worth mentioning " That's not my name" and "Fruit Machine" .
yup groovy album. the chick's hot too. hey check out The Kills and another band Mute Math. I was on Mute Math for a year!
The Kills and Mute math.. onz
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