Tyrone Wells
Every 2 or 3 years comes along an artiste like Tyrone Wells, a fella who will sing anywhere and anything. A fella who is born to sing and perform, a fella who might never make radio's top 40 yet continues to sing in hallways, dirty bars and empty spaces. Where are these fellas you might ask, well some of these people enter reality shows to get noticed and most of them eventually do make the big time. However, for every Chris Daughtry, there is a Tyrone Wells. Happy to sing in the background delivering performance after performance to an audience that truly appreciates his/her craft.
I discovered Tyrone Wells on myspace and was instantly blown away by his raw vocals. Doing a youtube on him, i found lots of grainy, indie, unglossed and dare i say amateurish videos. There were uploads of him busking in front of a christmas tree, singing in front of a cold lecture hall , falsettoing to a crowd of 5 in an alleyway etc. I was instantly charmed, i had finally found a purist, someone who sang because he loves to sing, covers songs because he loves to entertain. I went straight to itunes and bought his album " Hold on" released in 2007. I won't say he is a great songwriter but i will go so far as to say he is a brilliant vocalist. Here is a taste of Tyrone Wells.
Smooth like silk on a sea breeze.. Let's dive into the album. The first song that caught my eye was actually an upbeat number "What are we fighting for" (loaded in the player ) which has such a nice groove and catchy chorus, you wish you had it playing in all your road trips. My personal favourite is "Dream like New York", although he did rip off Boyz to Men on the opening verse melody, ( it sounds exactly like "Water runs dry) the rest of the song is amazing, the chorus cuts to your heart when he croons
" And dream like New York
As high as the skyline
Aim for the stars above those city lights
I want to dream like New York
I’m running down Broadway
I got to catch the next train
I’m making my way"
It's such an inspiring song for anyone who has dreams and is kinda stuck in the 9-5 doldrums. The whole album is really good to listen to and i must say, it feels good to root for the underdog sometimes. I think HMV stocks his album, if they don't ask them why. Or pick it up from itunes yourself. He's as bald as lex luthor and not even half as famous but somehow, i don't think he really gives a shit. Nice
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still got leh. u using firefox hor.. i oso got this prob. sometimes youtube load no sound or say video not available . then i open IE can liao..weird. maybe the upgrade to 3.0 made the 2.0 funky. Now u try can liao
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