The album cover looks like Tim Burton designed it, the music sounds like Amy Lee from Evanescence went to Estonia , dyed her hair and got a funky accent. Estoniwhat??? Yes.. Estonia, aside from all you RISK geeks, most thespians will agree Estonia sounds like some anal condition associated with piles.
I must admit that the only thing i know about Estonia is an Estonian English Premier League goalkeeper called Matt Pooom who used to play for Bolton Wanderers. These days, globalisation means underground talent like Kerli is accessible to the rest of the real world. The opening track " love is dead" is stellar. The vid is pretty interesting i must admit. Reminds me of the old classic MV of world champion eater Takeru Kobayashi eating in reverse.(can anyone recollect the song?)
Kerli reminds me of of Evanescence and some nightwish thrown in as well. What she has going for her is more diversity within the album. You have the power ballad "bulletproof" , the R&B " Creepshow" and the weird " Fragile" . The second track "Walking on air" is really creepy. The opening lyrics go " There's a really creepy house in a little creepy place.." You could say the same about the song and the album. It's got a queer dark gothic scarehouse tone to it with a haunting string section. I'm sure it would be a joy for some demented psycho killer to play in his headphones whilst he inflicts latex pain.
As usual, I like my music the same way i like my food. Fresh. Kerli certainly sounds refreshing in a dark rock goth kinda way. PLUS she's from Estonia, i mean how many Estonians will you ever get to know? Now u have 1. I have 2. I win
1 comment :
Man...I notice people don't leave comments on your blog man...maybe you should like offer a free CD for every awesome comment posted...(which by my count should be 2 for me now..see the most awesome comment I left on your JOhn Mayer entry..). Anyways,like where's the Indian porn man?..I'm sure that will get buddy's attention...
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