Let's all make like inanimate objects and rock with fireflight. Much like paramore, flyleaf, this whole rock band fronted by a chick business is really making it's way onto the scene of late. I suppose since Avril wasn't actually a rocker, there is a growing army of lost female teens waiting for a leader to emerge. ( Fiona apple should just come back and kick ass!) Remember Rock Star INXS ? That programme showed me chicks can do it just as good. Here's a picture of Dilana , the finalist from that show. Scary..

Click on the player to listen to a preview of "unbreakable" from Fireflight
Fireflight is a straight up product of Christian rock. Words like "Faith" and "Destiny" get tossed around themes of reliance and comfort in a higher power. The beauty of bands like fireflight, POD and Switchfoot is that they don't hide behind their motivation for their craft. They aren't asking you to go to church, nor are they asking anyone to follow in their footsteps. Recently, Switchfoot was in town and i overheard comments like "Wa .. really like church" etc. Part of me agreed that the show did have a gospel undertone to it , but on the other hand.. did you expect anything different? Part of appreciating a song is also about knowing the songwriter and the lyrics behind a song. When Color me bad sang " Girl, i want to sex you up" , it was pretty obvious you didnt have to dig deep to know what the band was about.
This is the title track and the killer stand out single. More commentary after the video. Click damn it!
'unbreakable' is currently the theme song used in the bionic woman trailer and you can see why. It's a strong, powerful, take it up the nuts song that kinda inspires you to do all sorts of weird things. Like stand in the middle of a warehouse and swing your hair around wildly. ( Really.. could the opening of the video be more predictable?)
The album isn't all rock and power however, in fact aside from 'unbreakable', the other stand out tracks are 'You gave me a promise' and 'Wrapped in your arms'. Both of which are ballads that should be labeled under "Sunday morning music". Fireflight has a penchant for the heavy chorus and big guitars. Listen to 'The hunger' and 'stand up' and you get the sense this band probably isn't adverse to the odd shot of vodka every 10 mins or so. The sound is tight and i must admit to preferring the melodies of fireflight alot more than the more popular Paramore.
So , if you're looking for a good chick led rock band that isn't afraid to be bold and strong, look no further than fireflight. If however, like me, you like your women curvy and pouty, next week's post should be more tasty. I've got some R&B lined up.
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